Childrens games spirit horse

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The fortunate doll (around 17.78 cm) wears a beautiful ensemble with a texture top, molded riding pants and her mom's boots. Join accounts of fellowship, mental fortitude and experience with the energized film DreamWorks Spirit Untamed! The Set of the Spirit doll and Lucky nestles and games is enlivened by an extremely moving snapshot of the film, where Lucky and Spirit embrace himself to authorize their extraordinary kinship. Product dimensions 5.99 x 21.49 x 20.32 cm 440 gramsĪge recommended by the manufacturer 36 months -12 years Fortunate and Spirit have portable verbalizations that permit them to embrace themselves.

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From the long mane all to brush, Spirit (around 20.32 cm) likewise incorporates a brush for developing and a few apples to make snacks.With a beguiling outfit comprising of a formed texture and riding pants, the Lucky doll (around 17.78 cm) additionally wears the notable boots to ride the mother.The nestling and games set is propelled by a scene of the film loaded with feeling, in which Spirit and Lucky hug himself from incredible companions!.

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Join part of fellowship stories, boldness and experience with the enlivened film DreamWorks Spirit Untamed!.

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